Wednesday, December 31, 2014

January 2015 (already)

January 2015
Do you believe it is January already.  Ok I didn't get this done right after Christmas, but right before New Years is ok too.

Winter Schedule 12:00 – 4:00pm. Critique at 3:30

January 5
Downtown Graton  
Take Hwy 116 N from Sebastopol. Turn Left onto Graton Rd.. Paint downtown buildings or old cottages on back roads. Critique at 3:30 across the street from Willow Wood Market Cafe at 9020 Graton Rd.

January 12 
Taylor Mountain Regional Park
 I was really disappointed this got rained out in December so we are going to try again.  This is suppose to have great views of the Santa Rosa Plain, oak woodlands, meadows, and wetlands.
Details at this link. 

January 19 
Spud Point
North on Hwy 1,through town of Bodega Bay take Eastshore Road, go downhill to stop sign and turn right, traveling around the bay. Park in the Spud Point Marina lot.. Boats, hills, and water. Restrooms at Marina office, deli food at store. Critique at 3:30 at the picnic table south of the Marina office.

January 26 
Sonoma Plaza, Sonoma
Sonoma Plaza, Sonoma. Trees, interesting buildings, people, shops, art galleries and restaurants.  Critique in plaza directly across the street from Sebastiani Theater at 3:30.

 February 2
Porto Bodega
Fishing boats, water, pier, views of town of Bodega Bay. Take Hwy. 1 north through the town of Bodega Bay and turn Left onto Westside Drive. At the stop sign at the bottom of the hill, go straight into the parking lot for the Sandpiper restaurant. Critique in Porto Bodega parking lot at 3:30.

More Feb to come.................