Monday, April 7, 2014

April 2014 MMP Schedule & FIELD TRIP!

APRIL MMP Schedule
** Regular Hours **
** Note some time and date modifications below **

Monday, April 7
Skip, No DSL for a week.  Sorry!

Monday, April 14
LAWNDALE ROAD, Kenwood adjacent
9am-12:30 pm, Group Viewing TBD at Noon
Hwy 12 and Lawndale Road, Kenwood, CA 95452
Mustard flowers, mature walnut trees, sweeping views of the Mayacamas, agricultural buildings (old barns, water towers, and fencing)
Directions: From Santa Rosa, head SE on Hwy 12.  Go past Pythian road (a light).  Lawndale Road will be on your right.  Look for the hand painted “Walnuts” sign.
Please cautious when parking to not impeded traffic.

Monday, April 21
BARTHOLOMEW PARK (park opens at 10am)
ONE TIME CHANGE: 10am-1pm Group Viewing at 12:45p in the Gazebo (by the bathrooms)
1695 Castle Road, Sonoma, CA 95476
A STUNNING private park and multiple gardens.  Mature trees, majestic views, sloping hillsides of greens, vineyards and rock.  In the distance, the historical replica of the villa winemaking ‘godfather’ Agoston Haraszthy built for his family in 1861.  Beautiful stone pillars and historic homes (very private, do not approach). 
Directions: Head SE on Hwy 12 to Sonoma.  Turn left onto W Napa St/CA-12 for 2 miles.  Turn left onto 7th St E.  Take 1st right onto Castle Road.  Take the next 1st right to remain on N Castle Road.  Follow directions for Batholomew Park Winery to 1695 Castle Road.
Parking note: If park parking is full, park in the winery spots (around the curve) farthest from the winery entrance.
NO PETS.  Bring picnic? J

** TUESDAY, April 29
FIELD TRIP: Georgia O’Keefe and Lake George Show
Show Open 9:30 – 5:15 PM,
50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr, Golden Gate Park, San rancisco, CA
About the show: On the shores of Lake George, the “Queen of American Lakes,” O’Keeffe found a place to concentrate on her work without the distractions of her life in New York City. Working in her humble studio, nicknamed the “shanty,” she reveled in the discovery of new subjects that included landscapes, flowers, fruit, trees, leaves, and architecture.  Lake George served as a rural retreat for the artist, providing the basic material for her art, which in turn evoked the spirit of place that was essential to O’Keeffe’s modern approach to the natural world.
View ticket information here:
Let me know if anyone wants to carpool and I will connect people via email or phone:

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